
The FIRST-TF research federation (Laboratory of Escellence) and the REFIMEVE French Research Infrastucure, are joining together this year for organizing 3 events important for the french Time and Frequency community: their respective General Assemblies, and a workshop on precision synchronization and networks. 

These events will be the opportunity for a vast community to network, have scientific exchanges and get the latest informations about FIRST-TF and REFIMEVE.

All the events will take place at Institut Galilée, on the Université Sorbone Paris Nord campus in Villetaneuse.

The dates are the following:

- 30th of Septembre 2024, afternoon: lab visits at the Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers,
- 1st of Octobre 2024: General Assembly of FIRST-TF
- 2nd of Octobre 2024: Workshop on "Precision Synchronization and networks"
- le 3 octobre 2024: General Assembly of REFIMEVE

Lunches for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Octobres are included in the organization. Dinners for the 1st and 2nd of Octobre evening will be organized as joint social events.  

Registration is free, but mandatory, for members of structures affiliated to FIRST-TF, REFIMEVE, as well as for invited guests. For logistical reasons, registration will close on September 12 at 12pm (CEST).

For some members of laboratories and structures affiliated to FIRST-TF and/or REFIMEVE, travel and living expenses can be provided by the organization. Please contact the corresponding person for FIRST-TF and/or REFIMEVE in your laboratry if you want to ask of it.  We will contact you directly about the modalities. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you directly book a hotel or a transport ticket, as we will not be able to refund you: it is mandatry to pass through the sytem of CNRS or USPN.

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